ROMA: ROck reflectance for MArtian in situ exploration database

About ROMA

The ROMA database provides the reflectance spectra between 0.4 µm and 3-4 µm of various terrestrial, Martian and synthethic samples, with a focus on intact rocks and Martian analogs. It includes higher-level data such as absorption bands parameters, as well as sample mineralogy estimated by whole-rock X-ray diffraction analyses.

How to cite ROMA
Mandon, Lucia; Beck, Pierre; Quantin-Nataf, Cathy; Dehouck, Erwin; Thollot, Patrick; Loizeau, Damien; Volat, Matthieu (2021). SSHADE/ROMA: ROck reflectance for MArtian in situ exploration database. SSHADE (OSUG Data Center). Service/Database. doi:10.26302/SSHADE/ROMA
Who is behind ROMA?
  • Mandon, Lucia (LGL-TPE / UCBL - CNRS)
  • Beck, Pierre (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
  • Quantin-Nataf, Cathy (LGL-TPE / UCBL - CNRS)
  • Dehouck, Erwin (LGL-TPE / UCBL - CNRS)
  • Thollot, Patrick (LGL-TPE / ENSL)
  • Loizeau, Damien (IAS / Univ. Paris-Saclay - CNRS)
  • Volat, Matthieu (LGL-TPE / OSUL - CNRS)
Scientific managers
Database managers
Database feeders
  • Bonal, Lydie (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
  • Mandon, Lucia (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
  • Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL)
  • Observatoire de Lyon (OSUL)
  • Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
  • Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement (LGL-TPE)
  • Institut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-18-ERC1-0005)
  • H2020 European Research Council (SOLARYS ERC-CoG2017_771691)
Database content statistics
  • Samples: 79
  • Experiments: 6
  • Spectra: 172
  • Content keywords: database, spectroscopy, visible, near-infrared, rocks, XRD, minerals, meteorites, geology, planetary sciences, analogs, Mars
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