FAME: "French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental science" database service

About FAME

EXAFS data collected at the ESRF BM30B FAME and BM16 FAME-UHD beamlines. HINT: to list all the spectra of a specific edge (e.g.: bromide K edge), search for "Br K edge" with the quotes. Nomenclature is K, L1, L2 and L3.

How to cite FAME
Kieffer, Isabelle; Testemale, Denis (2016). SSHADE/FAME: "French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental science" database service. SSHADE (OSUG Data Center). Service/Database. doi:10.26302/SSHADE/FAME
Who is behind FAME?
  • Kieffer, Isabelle (FAME - OSUG / CNRS)
  • Testemale, Denis (FAME - Institut Néel / CNRS)
Scientific managers
Database managers
  • Kieffer, Isabelle (UMS OSUG / UGA - CNRS - IRD - Irstea - Météo-France, FAME / CNRS - CEA - ESRF)
Database feeders
  • Aguilar, Antonio (ICMG / UGA - CNRS)
  • Kieffer, Isabelle (UMS OSUG / UGA - CNRS - IRD - Irstea - Météo-France, FAME / CNRS - CEA - ESRF)
  • Proux, Olivier (UMS OSUG / UGA - CNRS - IRD - Irstea - Météo-France, FAME / CNRS - CEA - ESRF)
  • Rovezzi, Mauro (UMS OSUG / UGA - CNRS - IRD - Irstea - Météo-France, FAME / CNRS - CEA - ESRF)
  • Solé, V. Armando
  • Testemale, Denis (Néel / UGA - CNRS)
  • Structure d'exploitation des CRG (CRG)
  • French Absorption spectroscopy beamline in Material and Environmental science (FAME)
  • Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure, 2015-2019 (grant #654208) (EC-H2020: EPN2020-RI)
Database content statistics
  • Samples: 331
  • Experiments: 134
  • Spectra: 625
  • Content keywords: database, XAS, EXAFS, XANES, HERFD, Material science, Environmental science
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