CSS: Cold Surface Spectroscopy Facility database
About CSS
The Cold Surfaces Spectroscopy Facility at Institut de Planétologie et Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG) Grenoble, France, is a facility of the Trans-National Access Distributed Planetary Simulation Facility activity (TA2 - DPSF) of the Europlanet 2020-RI and 2024-RI programs funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements N°654208 and N°871149. Its "CSS database" provides access to the spectral data recorded by various groups during visits within the Trans-National Access program, and put on-line one year after their measurements.
How to cite CSS
Schmitt, Bernard; Beck, Pierre; Brissaud, Olivier (2018). SSHADE/CSS: Cold Surface Spectroscopy Facility database. SSHADE (OSUG Data Center). Service/Database. doi:10.26302/SSHADE/CSS
Who is behind CSS?
- Creators
- Schmitt, Bernard (IPAG / CNRS)
- Beck, Pierre (IPAG / UGA)
- Brissaud, Olivier (IPAG / CNRS)
- Scientific managers
- Schmitt, Bernard (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
- Database managers
- Schmitt, Bernard (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
- Database feeders
- Beck, Pierre (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
- Carli, Cristian (IAPS / INAF)
- De Angelis, Simone (IAPS / INAF)
- Fastelli, Maximiliano (FISGEO / UNIPG)
- Poch, Olivier (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
- Schmitt, Bernard (IPAG / UGA - CNRS)
- Schröder, Stefan (PF / DLR)
- Organizations
- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
- Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)
- University of Bern (UNIBE)
- Laboratories
- Institut de Planétologie et astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG)
- Laboratory for Outflow Studies of Sublimating Materials, Planetary Imaging Group (LOSSy, PIG)
- Funders
- European Commission - Horizon 2020-RI (EC-H2020) , EPN2020-RI program: Europlanet 2020 Research Infrastructure (award: #654208)
- European Commission - Horizon 2020-RI (EC-H2020) , EPN2024-RI program: Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (award: #871149)
Database content statistics
- Samples: 78
- Experiments: 23
- Spectra: 725
- Content keywords: database, Europlanet, Trans-National Access - TNA, spectroscopy, visible, infrared, low temperature, minerals, rocks, ices, carbonaceous materials, meteorites