Water ice and Smectite intra-mixture spherical particles 67±31 μm
Grain sizes
Grains Size min Size max Size median Size width Size mass fraction Grain shape
#1 30.0 ${\mu}m$ 40.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.03 spherical
#2 40.0 ${\mu}m$ 50.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.21 spherical
#3 50.0 ${\mu}m$ 60.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.31 spherical
#4 60.0 ${\mu}m$ 70.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.13 spherical
#5 70.0 ${\mu}m$ 80.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.11 spherical
#6 80.0 ${\mu}m$ 90.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.06 spherical
#7 90.0 ${\mu}m$ 100.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.02 spherical
#8 100.0 ${\mu}m$ 110.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.02 spherical
#9 110.0 ${\mu}m$ 120.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.05 spherical
#10 120.0 ${\mu}m$ 130.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.01 spherical
#11 130.0 ${\mu}m$ 140.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.0 spherical
#12 140.0 ${\mu}m$ 150.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.01 spherical
#13 150.0 ${\mu}m$ 160.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.01 spherical
#14 160.0 ${\mu}m$ 170.0 ${\mu}m$ 0.01 spherical
Size method
Manual counting on cryo-Scanning Electron Microscopy images of fresh pure water ice particles
coated grains
  Name Compound type Arrangement Mass ($g$) Mass fraction Adsorbat name
water ice inorganic molecular solid coating shell 0.99
Na-Montmorillonite phyllosilicate coated core 0.008 $\pm$ 0.001
Quartz tektosilicate coated core 0.0006 $\pm$ 0.0002
Plagioclase tektosilicate coated core 0.0008 $\pm$ 0.0005
Gypsum sulfate coated core 5e-05 $\pm$ 4e-05
Calcite carbonate coated core 5e-05 $\pm$ 2e-05
Illite phyllosilicate coated core 1e-05 $\pm$ 1e-05
Dolomite carbonate coated core 2e-05 $\pm$ 2e-05
Kaolinite phyllosilicate coated core 0.00013 $\pm$ 0.0001
Chlorites phyllosilicate coated core 2e-05 $\pm$ 2e-05
Clinopyroxenes inosilicate coated core 0.00044 $\pm$ 0.0004
Orthopyroxenes inosilicate coated core 0.00014 $\pm$ 0.0001